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10 de mai. de 2016

Por que alguns sofrem antes de morrer?

Why Some Suffer Before Passing Over


by Sherrie Dillard

Someone recently asked me an interesting question. She wondered why her grandmother suffered for so long before passing over to the Other Side. I understood the question quite well. Anyone who has helplessly watched a loved one suffer through an illness and pain before passing has the same question. Over the course of a year, my mother went from playing tennis two hours a day to being bedridden, riddled with pain and unable to think clearly. When she died, it felt like a blessing.

Why People May Suffer Before Death

For months after my mother’s death, I contemplated and asked my spirit guides to help me to understand why she and so many others suffer before passing over. I learned that although it appears to make no sense and be a cruel way to live out the last days of life, the soul doesn’t abide by our human perceptions. On some level, we accept and create all that happens to us. It is not our conscious mind or personality and ego that makes these choices. Instead, it is the soul and spirit that perceives value, evolutionary advancement and possibilities in what in human terms is senseless and merciless.
In my mother’s case, my guides told me that my mother chose to suffer in this way to “burn off” negativity and karma before entering the higher vibrations of light. In this way, she was able to leave behind and dissolve emotional, mental, spiritual, and even physical patterns and accumulated energy that may prevent her from rising to higher blissful layers of light more quickly upon passing.

Why Do ‘Good People’ Suffer?

There are many people who suffer who lived good, positive lives with kindness and integrity. There are others who experience a slower dying process who are fearful of going over. They may be plagued with guilt and doubtful that there is life beyond the human experiences. This kind of mental and emotional suffering is likely the most difficult.
Sometimes, we choose a slower more conscious experience of dying to become more aware of our spirit and soulful self. It is only the physical and ego self that suffers. Dying pushes the soul to the forefront. The soul never suffers; it understands, heals, reveals truth, and is a comforting balm to the confused human self. Many people become aware during the process of dying that there is a part of them that is eternal. They see their loved ones on the Other Side and make frequent trips into the Spirit realm to check it out before they go over.
Sometimes, people linger and die slowly as a way to bring comfort to those left behind. It can be hard to let go. Family and friends may want to hold onto their loved ones and cannot imagine life without them. A slower dying process can be an opportunity to review one’s life and forgive and be forgiven. It gives the family time to let go and say all that they need to say.

Some Suffer for Others

There are some souls who choose to suffer to lift the burdens and pain of others. It is the final opportunity in the physical body to love and express goodness. Conscious suffering can lift the suffering and burdens of others when it encompasses and transmutes pain that is bigger than the individual. Shortly before my mother died, she called me one night and told me that she was suffering horribly. She didn’t know how to get relief. I told her to imagine that her pain was alleviating the pain of children who were suffering.

I told her, “If you knew that your suffering was helping children, could you do this?” She said that she could. I was relieved when a calmness came to her. Her suffering was more than physical pain. It was the confusion and loneliness that can come when life seems to have no purpose.
We need our suffering to have meaning even if we do not understand it from a human perspective. This world is a flip flop of the eternal realm of Spirit. What you go through and endure and what your family and friends go through is not without purpose. It is the rich soil from which your soul grows and expands into true and eternal love and life.

About the Author

Psychic, Medium and Medical Intuitive Sherrie Dillard is a best-selling author with an international clientele. Her books have been translated into nine languages.


 Através das suas previsões astrológicas e seu mapa numerológico, você acompanha a dinâmica planetária que descreve o seu cotidiano e a frequência vibracional do seu dia pessoal - e assim  poderá exercer o seu livre-arbítrio com muito mais consciência! A análise dos trânsitos, progressões, lunações e eclipses sobre o mapa natal permite uma antecipação das crises, que podem então ser aliviadas com um tratamento de apoio e prevenção.
Entre em contato e encomende agora suas previsões!

Rômulo Grandi



24 de fev. de 2015

Alzheimer, um poema

Um poema que expressa o que sente o doente com Alzheimer:

Do not ask me to remember
Do not try to make me understand.
Let me rest and know you're with me.
Kiss my cheek and hold my hand.
I'm confused beyond your concept.
I am sad and sick and lost.
All I know is that I need you
to be with me at all cost.
Do not lose your patience with me.
Do not scold or curse my cry.
I can't help the way I'm acting.
Can't be different though I try.
Just remember that I need you,
That the best of me is gone.
Please don't fail to stand beside me,
Love me till my life is done.
(autor desconhecido)

Não me peça para lembrar,
Não tente me fazer entender.
Deixe-me descansar e saber que você está comigo.
Beije minha face e segure minha mão.
Estou confuso além da sua compreensão.
Estou triste e doente e perdido.
Tudo que sei é que preciso que você
esteja comigo a todo o custo.
Não perca a paciência comigo.
Não xingue nem maldiga meu pranto.
Não posso evitar o jeito como estou agindo,
Não dá para mudar, ainda que eu tente.
Basta lembrar que eu preciso de você,
Que o melhor de mim já se foi.
Por favor, não deixe de ficar ao meu lado,
Dê-me seu amor até que minha vida se acabe.

Tradução livre: Rômulo Grandi

Venha conquistar a harmonia emocional e a paz mental através da terapia com as essências florais!

 Através das suas previsões astrológicas e seu mapa numerológico, você acompanha a dinâmica planetária que descreve o seu cotidiano e a frequência vibracional do seu dia pessoal - e assim  poderá exercer o seu livre-arbítrio com muito mais consciência! A análise dos trânsitos, progressões, lunações e eclipses sobre o mapa natal permite uma antecipação das crises, que podem então ser aliviadas com um tratamento de apoio e prevenção.
Entre em contato e encomende agora suas previsões!

Rômulo Grandi


21 de fev. de 2015

Adeus aos pais idosos

"Uma folha cai ao Céu", documentário do escritor dinamarquês Knud Romer: a solidão dos idosos, num dos países mais prósperos do mundo.

Vamos tratar todos de cuidar bem da saúde, manter a mente ágil e envelhecer cercados de amigos reais!

Se os pais não são agradáveis enquanto estão um pouco lúcidos, quando entram na senilidade então a chance é grande de serem transferidos para um asilo... Pais arrogantes, anti-sociais, de personalidade difícil, tendem a envelhecer na solidão, cada vez mais neuróticos, se agarrando às lembranças do passado e resistindo à evolução da sociedade.


 Através das suas previsões astrológicas e seu mapa numerológico, você acompanha a dinâmica planetária que descreve o seu cotidiano e a frequência vibracional do seu dia pessoal - e assim  poderá exercer o seu livre-arbítrio com muito mais consciência! A análise dos trânsitos, progressões, lunações e eclipses sobre o mapa natal permite uma antecipação das crises, que podem então ser aliviadas com um tratamento de apoio e prevenção.
Entre em contato e encomende agora suas previsões!

Rômulo Grandi